#1 Tango artist
assisted by Raquel Greenberg
Pablo Veron, Creative, knowledgeable and generous maestro, simply a once in a lifetime experience if you love Tango!
Pure inspiration and sparkle!
La méthode de Pablo a la capacité de vous conduire à la véritable compréhension du mouvement, qui est l’expérience dans la dimension corporelle, qui vous prépare à danser avec n’importe qui et à exécuter des séquences très complexes avec facilité, confiance et fluidité.
Il y aura deux jours d’études consécutifs où P.V. partagera ses connaissances des mouvements fondamentaux et des techniques précises pour développer vos compétences en danse.
Vous approfondirez votre propre conscience et votre posture, la connexion dans le couple et la communicabilité de El Abrazo.
Vous explorerez la dynamique, les possibilités d’improvisation et l’âme de ce monde fascinant qu’est le tango argentin.
Ces ateliers s’adressent aux étudiants de 2 ans d’expérience à avancé.
Discover – Explore – Study
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SATURDAY 2 November
12:45 – 17:45
12:15 – 17:45
Paquet (6 séminaires):
170 CHF par personne
300 CHF Couple
95 CHF par personne
180 CHF Couple
Salle Les Lauriers
Rue Henri-Veyrassat 7, 1202 Genève, Switzerland
Envoyer nom complet et email
Pablo Veron, the dancer with God’s feet, is the creator of a unique style of tango that has won him the respect and admiration of tango dancers worldwide. Graceful and precise with a strong dynamic energy, he is recognised for being instrumental in the re-birth of the popularity of this dance.
Heir to the true tango tradition handed down by the great Argentine masters and an unparalleled creative force in his own right, Pablo is considered by many to be a true link between the old and new generations.
Pablo started his professional career in 1986, performing in musical comedies such as Evita, Cabaret, and Sweet Charity as well as in various other tap and tango revues. In 1991, he began teaching tango and moved to Paris where choreographed and performed in numerous theatre productions. In 1997, Pablo choreographed and starred in the film “The Tango Lesson” by Sally Potter. In autumn 1999, he was re-invited to perform in the Tony award winning Broadway production of “Tango Argentino”.
Pablo’s performance in the film ranks among the very finest tango performances on celluloid ever and is quoted the inspiration of many tango dancers around the world. He also stars in “The Man Who Cried” along side with Johnny Depp as well as appearances in “Assassination Tango” film by Robert Duval and many other important films.
Pablo continues to act/dance and choreograph in various film and theatre productions.
Proud to share his talent and experience, he travels constantly, teaching tango worldwide.
“The best dancer in the world.” -Journal Libération, Paris
“Veron is such a smooth, anti-cliche dancer, that one wonders if the un-initiated even appreciate the technical mastery he exhibits. His kind of understatement and subtlety is what we appreciate in great artists of any genre.”
“To be clear, it’s been a while since I had seen such generosity on the part of a “star” teacher. Besides the fact that Pablo did not count the hours, the richness and completeness of his classes was especially amazing.”